September 2, 2024

Understanding PND94 : Your Mid-Year Tax Filing guide in Thailand.

If you’ve earned over THB 60,000 as a single individual or THB 120,000 as a married individual (with a spouse claiming tax deductions and no income), it’s time to take action. PND 94 is a mid-year tax filing requirement you can’t afford to ignore. The Revenue Department requires mid-year filing for specific types of income, and knowing where you fall could save you stress!

The Revenue Department requires mid-year filing for four specific types of income.
Here’s a quick breakdown :

  • Section 40(5): Rental Income – Includes income from renting out buildings, land, vehicles, or other items such as jewelry or clothing. Forfeited deposits are also included.
  • Section 40(6): Freelance Income – For professionals requiring a special license, such as but not limited to legal practitioners, medical professionals, engineers, architects, accountants, and fine arts workers.
  • Section 40(7): Contractor Income – Income from contracting work where the contractor must invest in providing essential materials, in addition to tools.
  • Section 40(8): Other Income – Income from business, commerce, agriculture, industry, transportation, or other activities not specified in Sections 40(1) to (7), including:
    • Performances by actors, musicians, professional athletes, or entertainers in theater, film, radio, or television.
    • The creation of literary works.
    • The shooting, developing, printing, or enlarging of photographs or films, including the sale of related components.
    • Income from the sale of immovable property acquired with the intention of trade or profit.


Don’t miss the filing deadlines: September 30th for paper submissions and October 8th,  for online submissions. Mark your calendar now to avoid any last-minute stress.Missing these dates could lead to penalties, so don’t procrastinate!

Why is this important?

Filing your PND 94 is crucial because it ensures you’re on track with your tax obligations. Remember, the income you report now isn’t final. You’ll still need to file a year-end PND 90 to report your total income, which might lead to additional taxes due to progressive rates (5% to 35%).

Feeling Overwhelmed? Let Us Handle It for You

Tax filing can be stressful, especially when you’re unsure if you’re obligated to file PND 94. That’s where we come in. At MBMG, Hua Hin Accounting and Law, we’re the experts in navigating Thailand’s tax landscape. Let us handle the complexities so you can focus on what you do best.

Pro Tip : Visa Matters

It’s worth noting that while the Revenue Department may not check your visa type, ensuring your income matches your visa category is a smart move.


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