March 8, 2022

The New “Signboard Tax Rate” for the year 2022

The New “Signboard Tax Rate” for the year 2022

“Signboard tax” has a new rate and definition.

Let’s check the important part. !!

Signboard tax is the taxable from signboards consisting of alphabet and image.

For example,

A billboard on the toll, canvas, or any kinds of signboard for revenue purposes or commercial advertising. Either small or large signboards are taxable. 

Who is liable for signage tax? 

The owner of the signboard is liable, or if the signboard was placed outside the building where could not identify who is the right owner, the tenant that hosts the signboard is liable.

The owner of the signboard shall file Por Por 1 (ภ.ป.1) by the end of March of every year.

And a minimum signboard tax of THB200 is payable.


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