💦 With Songkran approaching, it’s important to have a legal understanding of ‘days-off’.

💦 With Songkran approaching, it’s important to have a legal understanding of ‘days-off’. As we are approaching the Songkran holiday, businesses will find that many of their employees ask for leave in addition to the 3-day public holiday and this may have some employers worried over staff shortages and even find themselves questioning if all…

CNBC Squawk Box Europe Desk In London

CNBC Squawk Box Europe Desk In London A chat at CNBC’s Squawk Box Europe desk in London. We covered many of the key issues that dominate our thinking right now. Here is a link to rewatch an extract of the wide-ranging discussion https://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/03/22/investment-firm-terrified-by-fed-hikes-overlooks-structural-issues.html Investment firm ‘terrified’ by Fed hikes, says plan overlooks structural issues Paul…

⚡Thailand delays crypto asset withholding tax!

⚡Thailand delays crypto asset withholding tax! Regulated Thai Crypto exchanges won’t need to deduct withholding tax The Revenue Department of Thailand had earlier released new taxation guidelines relating to cryptocurrencies and digital tokens for Thai crypto exchanges which had meant to begin in 2022. This comes following a surge in digital currency trading and over…

Summary about file your Personal Income Tax & New Schemes on EV Package and Tax Exemption for foreigners

Summary about file your Personal Income Tax & New Schemes on EV Package and Tax Exemption for foreigners 🔥 Last chance to file your personal income tax.  The deadline for filing paper tax return is 31 March 2022, while online filing through the e-Filing system can be filed until 8 April 2022.  If you have an assessable income…

Thoughts on Russia-Ukraine, Asset Class Implications by Paul Gambles

Thoughts on Russia-Ukraine, Asset Class Implications by Paul Gambles After much tension, Russia finally launched special operations in Ukraine, resulting in unprecedented sanctions and penalties from the west and a heightening of geopolitical tension – how will all this change the investment landscape?  We thought that it was all playing out pretty much along the…

The New “Signboard Tax Rate” for the year 2022

The New “Signboard Tax Rate” for the year 2022 “Signboard tax” has a new rate and definition. Let’s check the important part. !! Signboard tax is the taxable from signboards consisting of alphabet and image. For example, A billboard on the toll, canvas, or any kinds of signboard for revenue purposes or commercial advertising. Either small or…

Downdraft…. Going the wrong way…..🤦‍♀️

Downdraft…. Going the wrong way…..🤦‍♀️ Markets to Define the “War”🔥🔥 In my view, tensions are likely to remain elevated, probably for a considerable time but, barring any major accidents, or a repeat of 1913, when the world ‘sleepwalked into war’, the threat is now more clearly defined and in full sight. Making predictions, especially about the future, is…

MBMG Update | Inflatiophobia💸

MBMG Update | Inflatiophobia💸 For the 2 years of the pandemic (2020 & 2021), global economic growth is likely to have stagnated at just over 1% per year. There will have been significant variations, with China expected to have grown almost 10% in aggregate during the 2 years, while America is expected to have grown…

MBMG Outlook – 31st January 2022 Past the peak⁉️

MBMG Outlook – 31st January 2022 Past the peak⁉️ Executive Summary One issue has been bothering us for the last month – inflation. Actually, it’s been bothering us for longer than that but for different reasons.             We agree.             We’re not so sure.             We definitely disagree. Before you read this section and look at the chart…

🧧 Investing in China

🧧 Investing in China 🧧Gong hei fat choy(恭喜发财), ‘Best wishes, wishing you happiness and prosperity.’ 🧧 Tyger Tyger, burning bright,  In the forests of the night;  What immortal hand or eye,  Could frame thy fearful symmetry? – The Tyger, William Blake MBMG’s Paul Gambles told Bloomberg’s Haslinda Amin today that making sense of the outlook for…